Name (required)
Contact Email (required)
Contact number (required)
Address (required)
How did you find out about our volunteer program?(required)
What do you think is a strength or a weakness of yours?(required)
Do you have any specialized skills that would support our projects? (Please list any that apply)(required)
Have you any experience volunteering? Please list?(required)
When is the best time for you to volunteer - During the week or the weekend?(required)
”These words sounds so simple, but if you just be yourself, you’re different than anyone else.”
I woke her up. She said, “Whoever knows me is supposed to know me, whoever doesn’t isn’t supposed to know me.”
“It’s not that you want to sing, it’s that you have to sing. “
“When I sing, trouble can sit right on my shoulder and I don’t even notice.”
“I may be helping to bring harmony between people through my music.”
“If I am going to sing like someone else, then I don’t want to sing at all”.